
22.1.2012 Stuttgart, Germany Sophia Jaffé - violin

concert with Stuttgarter Philharmoniker orchestra and Maestro Walter Weller, Glasunow – Violin Concerto

21.1.2012 Lahr, Germany Sophia Jaffé - violin

concert with Stuttgarter Philharmoniker orchestra and Maestro Walter Weller, Glasunow – Violin Concerto

18.1.2012 München Brünner Philharmoniker, Tschechische Philharmonische Chor Brno

Im Gasteig, Sitz der Münchener Philharmoniker, in dem schönen Sall der Philharmonie, jubilierten die Brünner Philharmoniker und der Tschechische Philharmonische Chor Brno unter dem Dirigat von Petr Altrichter. Auf dem Abendprogramm stande Die Choralfantasie und Sinfonie Nr. IX von L.v. Beethoven.
Ein grosser Erfolg bei dem Publikum.

14.1.2012 Leeds,UK Sophia Jaffé - violin

concert with Hallé Orchestra and Maestro Andrew Gourlay, Bruch – Violin Concerto

13.1.2012 Hull,UK Sophia Jaffé - violin

Concert with Hallé Orchestra and Maestro Andrew Gourlay, Bruch – Violin Concerto

Tradition mit Ludwig van Beethoven in Stuttgart – schöner Abschied mit dem alten Jahr

Der Tschechische Philharmonische Chor Brno hat sich mit dem Jahr 2011 gemeinsam mit den Stuttgartner Philharmonikern unter der Leitung von Chefdirigenten Gabriel Feltz im Stil verabschiedet. In der ausverkauften Liederhalle hat das Publikum mit Genuss die Sinfonie Nr. 9 von Ludwig van Beethoven gehört.
So mit „ An die Freude“ (Schillers Ode) kann zugleich als eine optimistische Vision für 2012 dienen.
ARS/KONCERT wünscht allen Künstlern und Künstlerinnen, Kollegen und Kolleginnen, Freunden und Freundinnen, ein gutes Jahr 2012, viel Glück und Erfolg.

Innsbruck hat wieder den Tschechischen Philharmonischen Chor Brno eingeladen

Die Kaddisch – Symphonie ist in Innsbruck erstmals am 10. Juli 1994 in der Jesuitenkirche erklungen: Caspar Richter dirigierte die Tschechische Staatsphilharmonie Brünn, den Chor der Stadt Bratislava und die St. Florianer Sängerknaben, der Sprecher war Frank Hoffmann.
Bei der zweiten Aufführung von der 3. Symphonie Kaddisch von Leonard Bernstein in Innsbruck am 17. und 18. November 2011 war Brno Kultur auch vertreten. Diesmal nicht das Orchester, sondern …
Wie es in der Kritik Kronen Zeitung nach dem 1. Konzert steht: „ der exzellente Tschechische Philharmonische Chor Brno“ mit den Wiltener Sängerknaben sangen bei dem 2. Symphoniekonzert im Innsbruck Congress unter dem Dirigat von Marcus Bosch und Tiroler Symphonieorchester Innsbruck. Bernstein komponierte die Sinfonie 1961-3, 1977 noch einmal revidiert und die Möglichkeit eröffnet, die Sprechpartie weiblich oder männlich zu besetzen, den Text schrieb er selbst.
Die Sprecherin war bei diesen Aufführungen Kammersängerin Brigitte Fassbender. Ihre hohe Sprachkunst, aber auch literarische Souveränität im Umgang mit dem Wort, ist zu bewundern. Sie hat für die Kaddisch – Sprechertexte, die nur in Hebräisch und Englisch vorliegen, eine eigene deutsche Fassung erarbeitet. Zweimal ausverkaufter Saal Tirol hat sich mit großem und langem Applaus von allen Mitwirkenden verabschiedet.

Concert in the Great Hall of Moscow Conservatory commemorated the anniversary of the establishment of Czechoslovakia

Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra Moscow had a special concert in their series on October 28th . The programme was fully Czech – A.Dvoøák – Carneval and violin concerto, and L.Janáèek Sinfonietta.
The orchestra performed under the baton of Maestro Leoš Svárovský, one of the best Czech conductors, who stepped in for Maestro Vladimír Válek. Violin solo played Sophia Jaffé.
The excellent performers, together with presence of the Czech ambassador PhDr. Petr Koláø and representatives of the Czech Centre, made memorable evening for everybody.

Czech Philharmonic Choir Brno in Fraunkirche with Dresden Philharmonic

Czech Philharmonic Choir Brno performed on Saturday October 22nd with Dresden Philharmonic in Fraueknkirche, under the baton of Simone Young.
Together with the above mentioned choir and orchestra, in the concert performed the children choir of Dresden Philharmonic and three brilliant vocal soloists -Miriam Gordon Stewart (soprano) Andrew Staples(tenor) a William Shimell(bariton) .
On the programme was Britten War Requiem, demanding and rarely performed piece. The piece perfectly suits to the venue – the church Frauenkirche was destroyed shortly before the end of World War II, and opened after reconstruction only in 2005.
The concert was excellent, after the final Amen followed few seconds of silence, and than long lasting ovations.

Sophia Jaffé at five concerts with Hallé Orchestra Manchester

Violinist Sophia Jaffé performed in the second half of September with Hallé Orchestra Manchester in five concerts.
Three of the concerts were in Manchester Bridgewater Hall with Sibelius concerto.
Two of the concerts were in Blackburn and in the Lincoln Cathedral with Bruch concerto.
All the five concerts were conducted by Andrew Gourlay, Hallé assistant conductor, and were highly acclaimed by the audience, and by the press as well.

Standing Ovations für den Tschechischen Philharmonischen Chor Brno

Der Tschechische Philharmonische Chor Brno in Holland hat einen ausgezeichneten Ruf. Beide Saale in Eindhoven und Rotterdam waren ausverkauft, in Eindhoven im Muziekgebouw sogar kam das Brabant TV, um das Konzert aufzunehmen. Die himmlische Musik von Giuseppe Verdi und seine Messa da Requiem kam von Het Brabants Orkest mit dem exzellenten Dirigenten Kees Bakels.
Großer Erfolg und Standing Ovations .

Sophia Jaffé at the Delft Chamber Music Festival 2011

Sophia Jaffé , violinist, performed three concerts at the Delft Chamber Music Festival beginning August.
One was solo recital in a church, the other two chamber concerts with excellent instrumentalists – violinist Liza Ferschtman, cellist Alexander Rudin, to name just a few.
More info about this important festival in Netherlads you can find on

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Czech Chamber Soloists under the baton of Jakub Klecker at Rheingau Musik Festival

The Czech Chamber Soloists orchestra performed three concerts at renowned Rheingau Musik Festival in the end of this August, in the framework of concert cycle named Young Virtuosos.
The first concert was in Eberbach monastery courtyard. On the programme were Tchaikovski Rococco Variations and Pezzo Capricioso, with young Russian cellist Dimitri Maslennikov.
The second and third concert were in Wiesbaden Kurhaus, with young soloists – winners of the festival contest. They were : Kerson Leong – violin, Paolo Mendes – horn, Leonie Dessauer - oboe, David Dyakov – guitare, Silvia Hauer – mezzo. The audience was following the almost 100 minutes lasting programme with joy and acclaim. I would also like to mention moderator Karmen Mikovic, who contributed to success of the concerts a lot.

Vladimír Válek and Sophia Jaffé excelled at Varna Summer Music Festival

Varna Summer International Music Festival is one of the oldest and most renowned European music festivals, in 2011 was its 85th year.
Maestro Vladimír Válek conducted the festival concert of Varna Philharmonic on July 5th. Soloist of the evening was Sophia Jaffé (violin). They offered highlights of classical music to the festival audience – Smetana Vltava, Dvoøák Violin Concerto, and Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 5. The audience counted this concert to the most memorable festival evenings and so did the promoters.
(Photo: Rossen Donev)

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The brilliant duo at Mitte Europa Festival

Mitte Europa Festival proves for already twenty years that it is possible to bring top musicians with interesting programmes even to the smallest village. Barbara Maria Willi (harpsichord) and Sophia Jaffé (violin) performed in Pomezi nad Ohri – St. Jacob’s Church on July 24th. The programme of baroque and early classicist pieces, performed with virtuosity and devotion, received warm welcome for the audience, who came from both Czechia and Germany.

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Czech Philharmonic Choir Brno performed in Baden Baden, Strasbourg and Paris

Czech Philharmonic Choir Brno went for tour to Germany and France this June.
Besides their demanding concert calendar in Czech Republic, the choir participated in three important concerts abroad.
The first was in Baden Baden in Mahler 8th Symphony, with Bamberger Symphoniker, under the baton of their chief conductor Jonathan Nott.
After Baden the choir moved to Strasbourg, where they had concert of Schoenberg’s Gurrelieder, with Orchestre Philharmonique de Strasbourg and the chief conductor Marc Albrecht.
The highlight of the tour was Gurrelieder concert in Paris, Salle Pleyel. The excellent vocal soloists (Ricarda Merbeth – Tove, Lance Ryan – Waldemar, Barbara Sukowa – speaker), and atmosphere of the rehearsals were really special – as this were two last concerts for Maestro Marc Albrecht as chief conductor of this orchestra.
Both the concerts were great success, as you can see the press reviews: here, here, here, here and here.
(On the picture: conductor Jonathan Nott.)

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Sophia Jaffé – two performances of Dvoøák violin concerto, with Hallé Orchestra and Sir Mark Elder

Violinist Sophia Jaffé performed at two concerts, in Manchester and Nottingham, with the Hallé Orchestra under the baton of the chief conductor Sir Mark Elder. Sophia stepped in for her indisposed colleague Valeryi Sokolov.
The concerts were highly acclaimed by the audience, and the press as well.
Due to change of the soloist, the audience had chance to listen to nice Dvoøák concerto, which was not originally on programme.

Gustav Mahler and his anniversary

Czech Philharmonic Choir Brno receives always warm welcome in Linz. The choir participated on the New Year’s concert 2011, together with Bruckner Orchester Linz and under baton of the chief conductor Denis Russell Davies. On the programme was Gustav Mahler Symphony No. 2, to celebrate Mahler anniversary in 2011. The venue was sold out, with lot of people standing. Concert ended by whole-hearted applause.

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Czech Philharmonic Choir Brno Christmas concerts in Netherlands

In mid December 2010, the Czech Philharmonic Choir Brno went for two Christmas concerts to Netherlands. The chamber choir, conductor Jan Ocetek, vocal soloists, accompanied by flutist Martina Matušínská and pianist Jaroslav Fric brought to the Netherlandish audience nice programme of Anton Bruckner motets, and Czech pastorellas and carols. Both the concerts were great success. At the second concert in St. Catherine church in Eindhoven were present about 600 people, and the concert ended with standing ovations.

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Sophia Jaffé in the Municipal House in Prague

Sophia Jaffé was asked to stand in as a soloist in the demanding Beethoven violin concerto in Prague (two concerts on November 3rd and 4th). Both the concerts were memorable evenings for listeners, also thanks to the soloist precise and strong way of playing. We have to mention also the rest of these excellent concerts performers – Prague Symphonic Orchestra under the baton of Maestro Zdenìk Mácal.

Rehearsal photos are here, here and here (Dagmar Kneøová).

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